Saturday, September 28, 2019

Trailokya Vishvakarma Lakshmi Yantra

The yantra are the spiritual doors of the macrocosm. They are the tool that allows the microcosmic mind to focus and cross distances impossible for the human body. In this light, they are carriers of well-being, well-being and harmony. The Trailokya Vishvakarma Lakshmi Yantra gives great fortune and wealth to the devotee.

Trailokya Vishvakarma Lakshmi Yantra

His worship must take place under the guidance of an experienced astrologer, combined with hard work and wise decisions in other areas of life. Of considerable complexity, each enclosure on the impeccably engraved surface of the thin copper sheet is engraved with sacred songs. The mantra on the bottom reads "Shri Vishwakarma bhuvaneshu pujyo tvameva shaktishch pramustvameva / Nanyostiloke tvadhikastvamekaha sarvetare sevakadasa bhritaha".

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dashabhuja Kali

This lifelike sculpture of the Devi will add to your space a strong aura of the wrathful and the invincible. Zooming in on Her limbs and face will enable you to appreciate the great skill that has gone into putting together such an effective portrayal - the lifelike musculature, the high-precision digits, and the superbly smooth skin. No wonder they call Her Kali because She is said to have conquered kal (time) itself in Her unflinching pursuit of dharm across time and space.

One of Her legs is raised and positioned on the chest of Her supine husband, the Lord Shiva Himself, who succumbs to Her ferocity. What distinguish this composition from your run-of-the-mill Kali sculptures are the looming crown and the ornate double-lotus pedestal, each of which has been engraved with great skill and labour.

Trailokya Vishvakarma Lakshmi Yantra

The yantra are the spiritual doors of the macrocosm. They are the tool that allows the microcosmic mind to focus and cross distances impos...